Tutorials on InDesign
by Terry White
This tutorial is great for anyone who has never worked in InDesign before. It highlights some very important, basic functions of the software package.
Getting started: 10 topics for beginners
Getting started: 10 topics for beginners
by Good Creative Academy
This tutorial is great for learning how to set up a template for reoccurring themes throughout the journal.
Using master pages
Using paragraph and character styles
by Good Creative Academy
This tutorial is great for learning how to set up styles so it is easier to make massive changes collectively over the journal.
by Good Creative Academy
This tutorial shows the steps to import a Microsoft Word document text properly into InDesign.
Importing text properly from Microsoft
by Good Creative Academy
This tutorial will cover the basics in text wraps.
Wrapping text around an image or object
Using Frame and Shape tools with Images
by Good Creative Academy
This tutorial covers the basics on how to frame and shape images within the journal.
Tutorial on Photoshop
by Hayley Durham
This tutorial takes you step-by-step on how to re-size images that contest winners submit along with how to upload them to Wix.
How to re-size contest personal pictures
Getting Started: 10 topics for beginners
by Terry White
This tutorial covers the basics on how to use Photoshop.
Naming Conventions
The Importance of Naming
It may seem like a simple things, but naming conventions will be a blessing when going through a new editor transition. Naming conventions will let you know who a submitter was, the title of the work, and what semester it was submitted.
This is all very important when trying to keep a living archive of all the past issues of Cardinal Sins.
Convention Examples
Image Naming
Archived Past Issue
Folder Systems

© 2017 Cardinal Sins
Saginaw Valley State University
7400 Bay Road University Center, MI 48710